Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing method based on the concept that “Qi” (energy) flows throughout the body. The insertion of hair fine needles can correct blockages or increase deficiencies of flow, catalyzing deep and long lasting relief for a vast array of illnesses and conditions.
It has been used by millions of people over thousands of years.
It is effective for a wide range of issues including acute pain, chronic pain, digestive concerns, musculo-skeletal problems, anxiety, depression, fertility support, skin problems, smoking cessation, weight loss, and much more.
Chinese Herbs
Herbs have been used in Chinese Medicine for centuries to facilitate deep internal healing and balance. Chinese herbal formulas are carefully crafted for each patient's specific needs and can be taken in the form of teas or pills. They are effective in treating a myriad of conditions as well as promoting health and well being.
Tui Na Medical Massage
Tui - Na (pronounced “tway-na”) is a sophisticated Chinese medical massage style used to treat injuries, joint and muscle complaints and chronic stress-related disorders of the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and reproductive systems. Tui - Na makes use of rhythmic compression along the energy channels of the body as well as traction, kneading, pulling, rolling, pressing, shaking and manipulation techniques to stimulate the acupressure points and establish a harmonious flow of energy throughout the body. Tui Na acts to reduce pain, stimulate the immune system, and generate a deep sense of relaxation.
Records of cupping therapy date back to 3000 BC. Chinese cupping therapy relaxes muscles and removes toxins from the body. The vacuum created by suction cups reduces pain and releases tension, increasing energy and blood circulation, helping organs receive blood and vital energy. Many professional and olympic athletes utilize cupping for enhanced performance and injury rehabilitation.
"I have seen Kevin for various ailments including tendonitis in my hand which was significantly less painful after the first treatment and completely healed after a few treatments. I had a similar experience of dramatic pain relief when he treated me for neck and back pain. Though he specializes in pain relief, he has also helped me with healing bronchial issues and digestive problems."
“I recommend Kevin highly for any conditions you may have. In additional to being a amazingly effective Acupuncturist and practitioner of Chinese Medicine, he brings a kind and compassionate presence to his work. He takes his time and makes you feel really cared for. His method of using massage after the acupuncture is fantastic!”